Sunday, July 31, 2011

I love you

I love you because when I say I’m fat, you say: That’s true!

I love you because when I’m mad at you, you say: Oh fuck, PMS again?

I love because when I say “Can I have a bite?”, you say “No, I will buy you your own hamburger”.

I love you because after some while of driving around in a circle, you say to me: “Ok, now you can ask for directions”.

I love you because after trying two pairs of shoes that don’t fit, you say to me: “Ok, can we please go now and have a cup of coffee?”

I love you because before eating something that includes onions, you call me and ask: “Babe, are we going out tonight?”

I love you because when I ask you if you love me, you say: “I find you quite simpatico. “

I love you because you have the guts to leave the phone open while I explain some “important stuff” to you, and than claim you listened to every word I said.

I love you because you call me just to tell me what song is playing in the background at the moment.

I love you because before going out, you call me and ask: “Is it really obligatory that I shave?”

I love you because you jump around like a small child full of joy when I tell you it is not.

I love you because you keep claiming that my dad has an axe in one of the kitchen drawers.

I love you because you’re such a skeptic!

I love you because you come and pick me up, when I’m dressed up as fancy as can be, with all 4 windows open while some shitty turbofolk music is rocking in the background just because you want to have fun looking at my WTF face.

I love you, because when I come with a new haircut and ask you how I look, you say: “Em, new jeans?”

I love you because whenever you sense there is a fight coming up, you start saying the magic words: “Yes darling!”

I love you because you like me most when I wake up – swollen eyes and messed up hair.

I love you because you claim you have 3 other girlfriends.

I love you because you buy 750 ml shower gel when going on vacation.

I love you because when I want to go to another club instead of going home, you start singing: “My girl wants to party all the time, party all the time, party all the tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime.”

I just… I simply love you.


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